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Cancellation Rules - Hotels

  1. No Cancellation within 24 hours before the date of Check-in for the first day.
  2. Between 24 hours to 48 hours - 70% refund on 2nd day.
  3. Before 48 hours - 90% refund from the 3rd day onwards.
  4. No Refund for cancellation of Dormitory Booking.Tax amount only will be refunded.

CANCELLATION RULES FOR HILL STATIONS (1st April to 15th June season period only)

  1. No Cancellation within 24 hours before the date of Check-in for the first day.
  2. Between 24 hours to 48 hours - 70% refund on 2nd day.
  3. Before 48 hours - 90% refund from the 3rd day onwards.
  4. The Same Rule will be applied to Hotel Kanniyakuamri and Courtrallam during season period.


  1. Only one preponement / postponement is permitted before 48 hours subject to availability of accommodation.
  2. After availing one postponement or preponement no cancellation is permitted.
  3. GST will be charged as per rules on lodging bills at Hotels.
  4. The rates are subject to change.
  5. 2% transaction charge will be levied for every cancellation.
  6. 18% GST will be levied for cancellation charges.
  7. Online customers can cancel/postponment their Accommodation in TTDC online website using their login ID.
  8. For online customers, refund for cancellation will be credited to thier card account by online.
  9. Catering facilities available in all TTDC Group of Hotels.